Monday, February 6, 2012

Today marks 2 weeks since I began this journey, and I wanted to push towards 60 days. But my journey is ending here. I will break my fast and move my diet to 2/3 Juicing and 1 Vegan meal a day.  My doctor says I should try this version of the diet for the time being. I hope that someday I can afford another juicer for when I am on the road. I feel successful that I lost 35 lbs in 2 weeks. For now I am going to try the new version of my diet and see how the weight comes off. I hope to go 2 weeks again in a couple months on nothing but Juice again and see how many more lbs I can take off in that fast.


  1. are you kidding me?? 2 week? 14/60?? LLAAAMMMEEEE!!!! 35 pounds is just getting to theplateau and you are just getting started buddy. besides doctors are stupid anyway.. what do they know? GET BACK ON IT NOW! Or I will personally see to it that you come to yoga class with me. handcuffed, tied, and umm dragged. This is not acceptable. We were looking for starving and half DEAD! MAN what a rippoff. You better get your ass back in gear Michael or I am going to come down there and make you do yoga. in an ALL GIRLS CLASS. except i already do that so umm.. anyway. I think i'm going to go have a vegan meal now consisting of a huge tub of pure coconut oil. which is like 90% saturated fat. MMMMMM. One bite for me - one portion into the soap mix. bite for me.. hey what if we put cocoa and sweet n low on strawberrys. that might be kinda healthy. or how about.. rocks. we can eat rocks and that is definately vegan. anyway now that stephanie is completely discourage after only 2 lame weeks worth of not being able to handle it i think i'm going to starve myself in competition. and go to the gym 3 times a week and do yoga. and stay up till 4 am working on computers and making soap like every day. then we will see who's spare tire disappears first. it is ON!

    1. THE JOURNEY IS NOT OVER! Man you can 2 weeks without food without dying. three days without water. then bring superfood juices. and if you run out then dont eat anything. just freaking starve. all i hear is excuses and 35 pounds isn't SQUAT. I HEARBY DONATE A JUICER AND AC INVERTER FOR YOUR CAR. YOU ARE NOT DONE> YOU ARE TRYING TO QUIT NOW AND THAT IS LAME. 2 weeks is not enough. 35 pounds is not a start. sounds like you are calling that the end. I am very upset with you. and you have to be consistent with this., we want to see more videos. ENCORE ENCORE! man. 2 weeks is when you are just now barely starting to feel some positive effects. that like.. you've got some sort of away from motivation going on that so now that you feel far enough away from the problem that you can slack off but NO. YOU CAN NOT. By the authority of YOU. THOU SHALT NOT WIMP OUT ON THE JUICE DIET! AND IF THIS IS THE CASE THEN WE EXPECT MORE VIDEOS ON HOW THE "2/3" WIMP DIET IS GOING. EVERYONE WANTS YOU TO CONTINUE BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT MET YOUR GOAL YET. YOU MUST CONTINUE UNTILL THE GOAL HAS BEEN ACHIEVED AND HOPEFULLY BY THAT TIME YOU WILL HAVE CHANGED YHOUR HABITS ENOUGH TO STAY WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. BUT NO YOU ARE NOT WHERE YOU WANT TO BE AND YOU HAVE TO FIGHT MICHAEL. PLEASE DON'T STOP THIS! DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN! WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU KEPT GOING? OHHHHH A FEW NEGATIVE FEELINGS EH? CAN'T HANDLE THAT? HMM I'M SENSING A CHANGE IN MODEL CHARACHTER REPRESENTATION AND IS STARTING TO RESEMBLE A.... HMM.. I SUPPOSE IT LOOKS KIND OF LIKE THAT THAT DUDE ON MONTY PYTHON IN SEARCH FOR THE HOLY GRAIL WHO USES THE COCONUTS TO MAKE HORSE GALLOPING SOUNDS. YEA. NOT A WHOLE LOT OF RESPECT THERE.

      So now... fully consider what i'm about to say to you.

      anything less than continuing the juice diet 100% full force isn't feeling amazingly energetic isn't it?

      anything less than continuing the juice diet 100% full force isn't feeling amazingly energetic isn't it?

      anything less than continuing the juice diet 100% full force isn't feeling amazingly energetic isn't it?

      now lets take a deep look into the future in front of you on your time line and plant a goal for 4 weeks. if you can handle it for 4 weeks then you get an ounce of respect from all of us in the peanut gallery out there who are rooting you ON! see yourself standing on the scale looking down at the number on feb 28, the day before leap day in only 2 weeks, and feel the coolness of the scale texture on your toes and you are aware of your surroundings. you see the number, specifically to the decimal place on your nice and accurate scale and think, yes, i am going the distance and am on my way. this doesn't even phase me anymore.. in fact i feel like i could go without eating anything for 3 days untill scrounging up some carrots and celery and obliterating them in my new juice queen brian gave me even in the car. so this gives me every reason in the world to continue this juiceing thing and I LOVE JUICING. MY NAME IS MICHAEL DRUMMOND AND I LOVE JUICING. Since now we've learned to just go into a deep trance when that feeling comes and we are able to let it melt away, confident that our body will convert its cellulose into a useable carbohydrate and providing the desired outcome.
